Your tax dollars at work, yet again!
Over 50 years later and they won't let him R.I.P. Some people may surprised to hear me say this, but enough is enough about Emmett Till. I don't mean that in a bad way. Not only was this a case, it was a Civil Rights case. The pre-teen Till from Chicago in 1955, went to Mississippi and whistled at a white woman. Some white men nearby, heard the excitement and rushed to the woman's aide. She was never in any danger, but that was the norm back then, The two guys beat up the 12 year old and threw him into a river where he died. Now, here we are, so many years later and our government decides to re-open the 50 year old case to see if MORE people were involved. So, they went to the cemetary here in Chicago and pulled out the casket to examine the body, take DNA samples, and try and figure out what exactly killed him and was there more than two men involved. With a box full of bones, what do they expect to find? Don't try and make this a footnote in history, show a little respect and leave the kid's remains alone. Perhaps he's already a major person in African/American and Civil Rights history. Let's keep it that way. I hope that Emmett Till comes back and haunts these guys that wouldn't let him rest! THAT's the way I see it!
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