AUTHOR: Dave Sypniewski DATE: Thursday, June 02, 2005 ----- BODY: I'm as happy as a clam today knowing that there's a new reality show on NBC that may actually be fun to watch. Tonight at 8:00, we'll be treated to "Hit Me Baby One More Time" (HMBOMT). This show sort of expands on the concept that VH-1 had earlier this year, where old groups from the 80's would get rounded up and asked to play one more show together as a "finale" for their fans. Some of the people that were contacted to do that show weren't interested in strolling down memory lane one more time. On THIS show, the groups from the 80's get down on their hands and knees and beg for a second chance. You see, most of these guys have fallen from grace and are now doing jobs like landscaping and installing air conditioners. What would you do if Wang Chung (pictured above) showed up at your front door when you called Roto-Rooter's emergency 24 hotline? How about if you had roaches in your basement and called Terminex and the truck pulls up with Boy George? Yeah, this is some kind of contest where these groups will perform one of their big hits first, and then do a cover version of a song that's popular right now on the Top 40. This part will be interesting! There's nothing but crap on the Top 40! A lot has changed in 25 years or so. Back then, it was Van Halen and Def Leppard tearing up the charts. If not for MTV, many of these groups would have been stuck playing clubs in Europe! Won't it be great to see Loverboy do a cover of Jay-Z or Snoop Dogg? That's what makes the Top 40 what it is today. The winning group at the end of a few weeks will get a record deal again! When the winning group makes the CD, how long will it take to go from $13.99 to $2.99? If it takes only a few weeks to make a comeback, it will take just as long to get back to the bottom. Personally, I'd love to see one of these old timers hit it big again and shake the music scene up a bit, but they'll have to go through TLC, Brittney Spears, Ice Cube and all the rest...It ain't gonna be easy. THAT'S the way I see it! NOTE***After watching this ridiculous "train wreck" for only 1/2 an hour, I switched over to a rerun of "Leave It To Beaver" which I thoroughly enjoyed. If one original member of Loverboy and A Flock of Seagulls shows up to perform, can they REALLY call that a reunion? And sweet little cute Tiffany with her one hit and tour of shopping malls in 1987 looked TERRIBLE. She couldn't hit the notes, her outfit was horrible, her boobs were flip flopping every which way, and she had a big caboose. What a letdown. If you're expecting something to blow you away, this is NOT the show for you! -------- Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!: Pull out your neon shirt and parachute pants and poof up your hair...we're all gonna Wang Chung tonight!

Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Pull out your neon shirt and parachute pants and poof up your hair...we're all gonna Wang Chung tonight!

I'm as happy as a clam today knowing that there's a new reality show on NBC that may actually be fun to watch. Tonight at 8:00, we'll be treated to "Hit Me Baby One More Time" (HMBOMT). This show sort of expands on the concept that VH-1 had earlier this year, where old groups from the 80's would get rounded up and asked to play one more show together as a "finale" for their fans. Some of the people that were contacted to do that show weren't interested in strolling down memory lane one more time. On THIS show, the groups from the 80's get down on their hands and knees and beg for a second chance. You see, most of these guys have fallen from grace and are now doing jobs like landscaping and installing air conditioners. What would you do if Wang Chung (pictured above) showed up at your front door when you called Roto-Rooter's emergency 24 hotline? How about if you had roaches in your basement and called Terminex and the truck pulls up with Boy George? Yeah, this is some kind of contest where these groups will perform one of their big hits first, and then do a cover version of a song that's popular right now on the Top 40. This part will be interesting! There's nothing but crap on the Top 40! A lot has changed in 25 years or so. Back then, it was Van Halen and Def Leppard tearing up the charts. If not for MTV, many of these groups would have been stuck playing clubs in Europe! Won't it be great to see Loverboy do a cover of Jay-Z or Snoop Dogg? That's what makes the Top 40 what it is today. The winning group at the end of a few weeks will get a record deal again! When the winning group makes the CD, how long will it take to go from $13.99 to $2.99? If it takes only a few weeks to make a comeback, it will take just as long to get back to the bottom. Personally, I'd love to see one of these old timers hit it big again and shake the music scene up a bit, but they'll have to go through TLC, Brittney Spears, Ice Cube and all the rest...It ain't gonna be easy. THAT'S the way I see it! NOTE***After watching this ridiculous "train wreck" for only 1/2 an hour, I switched over to a rerun of "Leave It To Beaver" which I thoroughly enjoyed. If one original member of Loverboy and A Flock of Seagulls shows up to perform, can they REALLY call that a reunion? And sweet little cute Tiffany with her one hit and tour of shopping malls in 1987 looked TERRIBLE. She couldn't hit the notes, her outfit was horrible, her boobs were flip flopping every which way, and she had a big caboose. What a letdown. If you're expecting something to blow you away, this is NOT the show for you!


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