AUTHOR: Dave Sypniewski DATE: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 ----- BODY: "Why don't these damn college kids go to class instead of disrupting my home?"All it took was a few dead animals, and all of a sudden PETA comes out of the woodwork and starts pointing fingers at the people who work at Lincoln Park Zoo. OK, I can do one better. I wrote PETA the other day and here's how that went... Hi. I'd like to know what your group is trying to accomplish by marching like Nazi Storm troopers in front of Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago? If nothing else, the local media here is giving you all some free air time by putting some of your group members on TV day after day. When I was in college 10 years ago, I didn't have time to walk in front of a zoo with a bullhorn and a sign. I was studying! So what do you hope will happen? Do you want them to open up the doors of the zoo and let all the animals loose? Some animals died. Yes, it's a tragedy, but that's why there's an investigation going on. Letting them run free in the wild again is not going to save them and one person at the zoo cannot take the blame! Dave Sypniewski Dear Mr. Sypniewski, PETA certainly does not suggest that zoo animals be released to the wild. To do such a thing would be cruel and pointless. Zoos need to stop breeding animals and capturing animals from the wild and reinvent themselves to become sanctuaries, providing much needed homes to exotic animals rescued from circuses, shoddy roadside zoos, and private homes keeping them as "pets." For more information regarding PETA's position on zoos please visit: Thank you for your thoughts, Lisa WathneCaptive Exotic Animal SpecialistPeople For the Ethical Treatment of Animals -------- Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!: PETA is a pain in my ass!

Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

PETA is a pain in my ass!

"Why don't these damn college kids go to class instead of disrupting my home?"All it took was a few dead animals, and all of a sudden PETA comes out of the woodwork and starts pointing fingers at the people who work at Lincoln Park Zoo. OK, I can do one better. I wrote PETA the other day and here's how that went... Hi. I'd like to know what your group is trying to accomplish by marching like Nazi Storm troopers in front of Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago? If nothing else, the local media here is giving you all some free air time by putting some of your group members on TV day after day. When I was in college 10 years ago, I didn't have time to walk in front of a zoo with a bullhorn and a sign. I was studying! So what do you hope will happen? Do you want them to open up the doors of the zoo and let all the animals loose? Some animals died. Yes, it's a tragedy, but that's why there's an investigation going on. Letting them run free in the wild again is not going to save them and one person at the zoo cannot take the blame! Dave Sypniewski Dear Mr. Sypniewski, PETA certainly does not suggest that zoo animals be released to the wild. To do such a thing would be cruel and pointless. Zoos need to stop breeding animals and capturing animals from the wild and reinvent themselves to become sanctuaries, providing much needed homes to exotic animals rescued from circuses, shoddy roadside zoos, and private homes keeping them as "pets." For more information regarding PETA's position on zoos please visit: Thank you for your thoughts, Lisa WathneCaptive Exotic Animal SpecialistPeople For the Ethical Treatment of Animals


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