AUTHOR: Dave Sypniewski DATE: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 ----- BODY: Patricia Heaton says "adios" to Raymond, and "Howdy do" to Albertson's/Jewel! Posted by Hello In a few weeks, "Everybody Loves Raymond" will be history. Patty Heaton has been hawking things at Jewel stores for about two years. Several months back, I wrote to Albertson's. the parent Company of Jewel in Los Angeles, and asked a few important questions... Mr. Sypniewski: Thanks for taking the time to write. Glad to hear you got something from our last exchange. I understand your concern with the DVD promotion spot: the kids are depicted picking up lots of, to use your term, "junk food," all in the name of a free movie. While I don't disagree with your logic, it's not always a logical world. You'd be amazed at the appeal a free movie has to folks, and what they will do. If you doubt that check out the ads during Thanksgiving ads for free turkeys. Those are cheaper than a DVD and people will go to great lengths to ensure not having to pay for a frozen turkey. I appreciate your attention, and your ability to see the humor in all of this. We try not to take any of it too seriously. And yes, you will be seeing some new spots this year. Keep watching. Thanks, Jeff Jeff Weidauer Director, Corporate Advertising Albertsons Store Support Center 208.395.6928 -----Original Message-----From: [] Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 22:47To: jeff.weidauer@albertsons.comSubject: Re: Jewel Commercial Jeff: A few months back I wrote to you a letter about a few of the commercials for Jewel running in the Chicago area starring Patricia Heaton. You validated a few of the things I noticed in them such as: Clean stores, a couple of tweaks in editing, and a few other things. You settled a bet for me and I got the steak dinner. Thanks to Dr. Atkins I really enjoyed it (minus the baked potato). So now I move on to round two... It's a mixed blessing for this being the last season of "Raymond". On one hand, we're losing a good show. On the other, perhaps we'll be seeing some new commercials now that Tricia Heaton will have the extra time and need the extra $$$$. So in one commercial she pretends to go to the store for vegetables but instead, sneaks to the back of her van and pulls them out of a grocery bag. That's funny. The only problem is that all the bags were upright. That never happens in real life. Maybe your wife does all your shopping for you but you know what I mean. And then a month later when the inside of the car starts to stink, it takes another week to discover the deli turkey slid between the seat. That's not the problem though. It's with a new commercial running here which is some type of cross promotion with Pepsi, Frito Lay, and DVDs. The commercial has Mrs. Heaton scurrying through the store with her kids. All of a sudden they take the cart over and begin stuffing it full of junk food like Doritos, chips, pretzels and others. Next came the Pepsi, Mountain Dew and other Pepsico products. I enjoy Mountain Dew, especially the "Livewire". But I see all that salt and all that sugar and I can't imagine her allowing her kids to eat all that. And what for? Because if they spend $100 they'll get "Shrek" on DVD. How about shop at Jewel for the healthy stuff and go to Target and get the movie for $10 and then Jewel and Target will both make money? Believe me, "Shrek 2" isn't worth $100 and not worth my kids getting obese with their teeth falling out. And to think she was on Dr. Phil recently talking about her four kids and being a good parent. I hope there's going to be some new commercials for Christmas. Maybe you can sign on Leah Remini to do some spots? Heaton is starting to look a little ragged. Or how about the syndicated Art Ginsberg (Mr. Food)? Jewel sponsors his cooking segments here. Anyway, I hope you take all this as "tongue-in-cheek". Are there some new commercials coming? Well, thanks for reading. I'll be watching. Dave Sypniewski 17042 Greenbay Ave Lansing, IL 60438 -------- Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!: Patty Heaton needs the money like I need another hole in my pecker!

Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Patty Heaton needs the money like I need another hole in my pecker!

Patricia Heaton says "adios" to Raymond, and "Howdy do" to Albertson's/Jewel! Posted by Hello In a few weeks, "Everybody Loves Raymond" will be history. Patty Heaton has been hawking things at Jewel stores for about two years. Several months back, I wrote to Albertson's. the parent Company of Jewel in Los Angeles, and asked a few important questions... Mr. Sypniewski: Thanks for taking the time to write. Glad to hear you got something from our last exchange. I understand your concern with the DVD promotion spot: the kids are depicted picking up lots of, to use your term, "junk food," all in the name of a free movie. While I don't disagree with your logic, it's not always a logical world. You'd be amazed at the appeal a free movie has to folks, and what they will do. If you doubt that check out the ads during Thanksgiving ads for free turkeys. Those are cheaper than a DVD and people will go to great lengths to ensure not having to pay for a frozen turkey. I appreciate your attention, and your ability to see the humor in all of this. We try not to take any of it too seriously. And yes, you will be seeing some new spots this year. Keep watching. Thanks, Jeff Jeff Weidauer Director, Corporate Advertising Albertsons Store Support Center 208.395.6928 -----Original Message-----From: [] Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 22:47To: jeff.weidauer@albertsons.comSubject: Re: Jewel Commercial Jeff: A few months back I wrote to you a letter about a few of the commercials for Jewel running in the Chicago area starring Patricia Heaton. You validated a few of the things I noticed in them such as: Clean stores, a couple of tweaks in editing, and a few other things. You settled a bet for me and I got the steak dinner. Thanks to Dr. Atkins I really enjoyed it (minus the baked potato). So now I move on to round two... It's a mixed blessing for this being the last season of "Raymond". On one hand, we're losing a good show. On the other, perhaps we'll be seeing some new commercials now that Tricia Heaton will have the extra time and need the extra $$$$. So in one commercial she pretends to go to the store for vegetables but instead, sneaks to the back of her van and pulls them out of a grocery bag. That's funny. The only problem is that all the bags were upright. That never happens in real life. Maybe your wife does all your shopping for you but you know what I mean. And then a month later when the inside of the car starts to stink, it takes another week to discover the deli turkey slid between the seat. That's not the problem though. It's with a new commercial running here which is some type of cross promotion with Pepsi, Frito Lay, and DVDs. The commercial has Mrs. Heaton scurrying through the store with her kids. All of a sudden they take the cart over and begin stuffing it full of junk food like Doritos, chips, pretzels and others. Next came the Pepsi, Mountain Dew and other Pepsico products. I enjoy Mountain Dew, especially the "Livewire". But I see all that salt and all that sugar and I can't imagine her allowing her kids to eat all that. And what for? Because if they spend $100 they'll get "Shrek" on DVD. How about shop at Jewel for the healthy stuff and go to Target and get the movie for $10 and then Jewel and Target will both make money? Believe me, "Shrek 2" isn't worth $100 and not worth my kids getting obese with their teeth falling out. And to think she was on Dr. Phil recently talking about her four kids and being a good parent. I hope there's going to be some new commercials for Christmas. Maybe you can sign on Leah Remini to do some spots? Heaton is starting to look a little ragged. Or how about the syndicated Art Ginsberg (Mr. Food)? Jewel sponsors his cooking segments here. Anyway, I hope you take all this as "tongue-in-cheek". Are there some new commercials coming? Well, thanks for reading. I'll be watching. Dave Sypniewski 17042 Greenbay Ave Lansing, IL 60438


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