Tom and Katie and "So Long Georgie!"
Here we go! The day that we've all been waiting for has finally arrived...Of course, I'm talking about Tom and Katie's baby! Now, here's my spin on the baby situation: Tom Cruise just doesn't have a clue when it comes to those "supermarket tabloids". Cruise has a habit of going on TV and blowing off steam. So, what's in store for all of us now that the baby girl named "Suri" was born? I think maybe he's been hanging around Coldplay's Chris Martin and Gweneth Paltrow. Remember, those two had a baby and called her "Apple". They say that Suri is going to be the luckiest baby girl on the planet. There's already a whole full of baby stuff such as a $1500 baby stroller, a $1000 Gucci diaper bag, a $3000 satin blanket, and a $500 pair of shoes. Tom really hasn't had too many blockbusters in recent years. I say, not so fast Tom...before you pull out the AMEX card again, better wait and see what Mission Impossible 3 holds in the cards. I predict a swing and a miss! George Ryan better visit "Bed, Bath and Beyond" There's a big sale on soap on a rope. Now, I can't say anything that hasn't already been said on the evening news, but the orange jumpsuit probably won't be too flattering. Maybe they should consider putting him in stripes...not horizontal, vertical. It worked well for the Yankees and Babe Ruth. That's all for today folks!
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