Coconuts or CuckooNUTS? AND Ca$hing in on MI3 prematurely
Keith Richards' new workout regime fell like a ton of bricks for the Rolling Stone yesterday...When I first heard about this I was waiting for the punchline. What was A Senior Citizen like Richards doing climbing to the top of a palm tree like a monkey anyway? Maybe he's got a death wish or the sand bar on the beach ran out of coconuts for the pina coladas he and his wife were consuming? It must have been quite a sight for the onlookers at that Fiji Island resort to see Richards come tumblin' down like a pair of dice and landing on his noggin! The good news here is that it was only a concussion, and the other good news is that there isn't exactly a lot of people there who don't know who he is anyway and really don't give a crap. He should be thrilled that nobody was on the beach with a camera and therefore what he was doing in a tree in the first place will probably forever be a mystery! I don't know about you, butI'm already tired of seeing product tie-ins with this new Mission Impossible movie...DHL Express, BMW, and American Express all have commercials featuring clips from the movie. I guess ad executives don't get it yet that by backing up a movie before it's released, it will probaably sink at the box office. Sure, Tom Cruise may be red hot right now but his movies in recent years have only been lukewarm...I still haven't seen the first movie yet!
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