The image of Jesus is not on the brownie, the brownie is on Jesus! (this ain't too harsh)
He's at it again folks. Seems as though controversey follows Kanye West like stink follows poop! Up until now, it was an interview on the old Dick Cavett Show with John Lennon that caused an uproar when he said in one quick line that "The Beatles are bigger than Jesus". Everyone's jaws dropped. In 2006, hip-hop mogul and P. Diddy wannabe, Kanye West sits down with Rolling Stone magazine to discuss that he may very well be "The Second Coming of Christ"! As seen in the photo on the left, his interview was so emotional that they asked him to pose for a photo shoot with "The Crown of Thorns". Why does all this stuff with this guy surface right around Grammy time? Now, I haven't read the interview and quite frankly, don't care to. It's kind of upsetting though that John Lennon's one little quip is STILL being talked about 35 years later, and Kanye West actually sat down with a respectable magazine such as RS and tell them that his life mirrors Jesus' life and that he's being "crucified" by the music industry but long after he's gone, everyone will remember him. I won't. Kanye loves himself a little too much. Good news is, many bookstores and libraries have yanked this RS off the shelf. On the flip side though, this will probably be a situation where this issue of the magazine will fetch a few thousand bucks in several years. Would Jesus come back for this reason? Methinks NOT! Where would you find a great tasting TV dinner? Nope. Not at the grocery store. How about a restaurant? Now, I got an e-mail yesterday regarding my story about the woman and the car at the auto show saying that it had to be a joke. I still don't know however, another story is making the rounds on the Internet that as far as I can tell is true...sort of. Maybe you heard someone talk about this, or read about it yourself someplace: There's a story of a restaurant that is supposedly in the midst of selling franchises where the whole menu is nothing but TV dinners. Supposedly, you choose what you want and they serve it to you looking real fancy on a plate for ten bucks. OK, my crack staff of, have discovered (with the help of various other websites) that this IS a real place however, it is in New York and that's the only one. Dinners are priced slightly higher than you would pay at the store, but not ten bucks. My research has concluded that this will not be another "Ed Debevic's" or "Hooters" that will pop up all over like dandelions in the spring. That's all for now folks as this website is being shut down for maintenance until tomorrow. Peace.
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