AUTHOR: Dave Sypniewski DATE: Monday, January 23, 2006 ----- BODY: Blogging is getting to be a risky business. So is talking on the telephone and sending an e-mail. So now there's this debate over whether or not the folks in D.C. have a Constitutional right to eavesdrop on your telephone conversations as well as monitor your web activity and e-mails. I knew it! Ever since Al Gore opened up his yapper about his "inventing the Internet", we'd all be in trouble. As far as the telephone conversations go, it's nice to know that there's a whole building full of people in Washington who find YOUR conversations interesting. I don't know about you, but when I'm in the same room with someone who's on the phone for more than 5 minutes, I'm ready for a catnap. Let's face facts: This is George Orwell's prophecy coming true 22 years later! My Question: What would Ben Franklin say about all this? I read over the weekend that this year is Ben Franklin's 300th Birthday (Not to mention Mozart's too). What would that great American say about the Internet and wiretapping and cellphones? Sure, that guy wore many hats in his time, but not even an innovator like him could predict stuff like this. Anyway, the jury's still out on his kite getting struck by lightning! Speaking of people a few hundred years old...One war isn't even over yet, and yesterday on "Meet the Press" they're already talking about who we're going to go after next: Iran or North Korea. I say "Whoa, hold on a minute there!" It made me realize that before we start something new, we have to finish our business in Iraq and then take a break for a few months to re-group. During that time, the cartoon character of Uncle Sam should be retired! The rail thin, old man has seen his share of war in his lifetime and is no longer such a good recruiting tool to get our young people to join the Armed Forces. A new character needs to be created. One that looks like he's pumped up on steroids and ready to compete in the UFC. Anything is better to try and raise the morale of the men and women who sign on the dotted line than that frail old man! Once the new rougher, tougher, spokesman is chosen, heck, we can go through the whole Middle East and then work our way through Europe and Asia and get everyone! ...If I end up in a Federal Prison at the end of today because of this blog, THAT'S STILL the way I see things. -------- Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!: Sssh! Careful what you say and, retiring old "Uncle Sam"!

Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Sssh! Careful what you say and, retiring old "Uncle Sam"!

Blogging is getting to be a risky business. So is talking on the telephone and sending an e-mail. So now there's this debate over whether or not the folks in D.C. have a Constitutional right to eavesdrop on your telephone conversations as well as monitor your web activity and e-mails. I knew it! Ever since Al Gore opened up his yapper about his "inventing the Internet", we'd all be in trouble. As far as the telephone conversations go, it's nice to know that there's a whole building full of people in Washington who find YOUR conversations interesting. I don't know about you, but when I'm in the same room with someone who's on the phone for more than 5 minutes, I'm ready for a catnap. Let's face facts: This is George Orwell's prophecy coming true 22 years later! My Question: What would Ben Franklin say about all this? I read over the weekend that this year is Ben Franklin's 300th Birthday (Not to mention Mozart's too). What would that great American say about the Internet and wiretapping and cellphones? Sure, that guy wore many hats in his time, but not even an innovator like him could predict stuff like this. Anyway, the jury's still out on his kite getting struck by lightning! Speaking of people a few hundred years old...One war isn't even over yet, and yesterday on "Meet the Press" they're already talking about who we're going to go after next: Iran or North Korea. I say "Whoa, hold on a minute there!" It made me realize that before we start something new, we have to finish our business in Iraq and then take a break for a few months to re-group. During that time, the cartoon character of Uncle Sam should be retired! The rail thin, old man has seen his share of war in his lifetime and is no longer such a good recruiting tool to get our young people to join the Armed Forces. A new character needs to be created. One that looks like he's pumped up on steroids and ready to compete in the UFC. Anything is better to try and raise the morale of the men and women who sign on the dotted line than that frail old man! Once the new rougher, tougher, spokesman is chosen, heck, we can go through the whole Middle East and then work our way through Europe and Asia and get everyone! ...If I end up in a Federal Prison at the end of today because of this blog, THAT'S STILL the way I see things.


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