Time for the "Fall Sweeps". Where EVERYONE does their best!
This is "Sweeps" week however, this one has nothing to do with the "exclusive" stories on the nightly news such as, "The danger that lurks within the bowels of your toilet" or "Price gouging at the gas pump." NO! This is all about the big "sweep" that has to be done inside of our home to get ready for Junior. Last week was the baby shower...a name quite appropriate for what happened. It rained down a lot of crap (Oops! I mean , gifts) right into baby's bedroom. No, this isn't a photo of the room, although it's not quite that much off from what really is. Upon bringing this stuff into the house, yours truly was VERY angry with the mess however, it may turn out to be to my advantage. There's a lot of empty boxes left over that are big and sturdy enough to carry my CD collection should I decide to "relocate" to Canada or Mexico. All I need is my CD's, a long stick with a handkerchief tied at the end and some hot dogs and a couple of cans of Hormel chili. If anyone has a harmonica to get rid of, I'm willing to take lessons so I can work my way on the Canadian railcars headed North. Oh, I jest! Anyway, there may not be a "Squealing Pig" on Tuesday and Wednesday due to the cleaning that the wife and I have to do. Any changes to the schedule as well as new posts...well, you can see them here.
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