AUTHOR: Dave Sypniewski
DATE: Monday, August 21, 2006
As things continue to come together for the start of the new season in a few weeks, I now take the time to weigh-in on two things: First of all, what's the deal with this John Karr character, and why did he want to get caught but is now on suicide watch in a California jail? This is certainly a mystery inside of another mystery. This guy makes Pee-Wee Herman look like Sylvester Stallone. So, as he went through life getting rejected and being unsure of whether or not he wanted to be a man or a woman, he befriended Jon Bonet Ramsey and this obsession with little girls he says, is what drove him to killing this little one. So, then the nutjob decided to research other places to go. Other places where he couldn't get caught for having a circle of friends who were all girls under 8 years old. What was the place? Thailand! Only thing is, this guy wasn't so clever. After only half a year, he managed to get himself kicked out of more than a dozen teaching jobs for "getting too close to the little girls". See what I mean? That sort of thing doesn't happen everyday over here. Putting Jon Bonet aside for a minute and not debating if he killed her or not, his conduct in Thailand should be enough to throw him in the slammer until he rots. Better still, they should have kept him in Thailand where he wouldn't have time to rot in jail because he'd either get a caning he'll never forget, or face a firing line! What does our government do to make sure Karr doesn't become violent or change his mind about coming back with them to the U.S? Give him a 1st class seat on a plane with all the perks. While others in coach were dining on fruit salads, Karr was up in front feasting on soup, salad, and a turkey dinner with all the trimmings including a few beers and a few glasses of wine...they said this V.I.P. treatment was in hopes that he'll open up about the murder. I don't know about you, but after a big meal like that, I ain't talking! I'm taking a nap! I wonder if Saddam Hussein got the same treatment when he got caught? What else are they going to do with Karr after today's lunch of baloney and cheese in jail and clams up? Tickets to DisneyLand? A weeklong stay at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas? A cruise? Remember folks...these are your tax dollars at work! Another debate is raging on in New York as I write this. What to do with the "stairway to heaven" that is the only thing still left in the giant hole at the site of the former World Trade Center. NY is now split down the middle about tearing it down and taking the concrete to be recycled and that's it, or leave it where it's at forever and make it a item of historic significance that will be fenced off with a plaque in front of it explaining it's story. Parade Magazine did a story on the staircase in yesterday's paper. Some survivors say the only reason they're alive to talk about it, is because that stairway was the final steps to safety. Other survivors are saying this is a silly idea because it only serves as a daily reminder of 9/11 but perhaps should be relocated to another spot. Others are entirely against it saying that this debate is only stalling the progress of construction going on now elsewhere on the site. I think that if they want to save all of it or some of it, let them relocate the stairs to a place where people can go and see it if they want. They should continue with the work at that site. To think that the U.S. is free from another threat of terrorism and the stairs should be kept untouched, is just silly! You want to vote or leave comments? I direct you to
Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!: "Jumping from No Class to 1st Class!" and "The 36 Step Program"
"Jumping from No Class to 1st Class!" and "The 36 Step Program"
As things continue to come together for the start of the new season in a few weeks, I now take the time to weigh-in on two things: First of all, what's the deal with this John Karr character, and why did he want to get caught but is now on suicide watch in a California jail? This is certainly a mystery inside of another mystery. This guy makes Pee-Wee Herman look like Sylvester Stallone. So, as he went through life getting rejected and being unsure of whether or not he wanted to be a man or a woman, he befriended Jon Bonet Ramsey and this obsession with little girls he says, is what drove him to killing this little one. So, then the nutjob decided to research other places to go. Other places where he couldn't get caught for having a circle of friends who were all girls under 8 years old. What was the place? Thailand! Only thing is, this guy wasn't so clever. After only half a year, he managed to get himself kicked out of more than a dozen teaching jobs for "getting too close to the little girls". See what I mean? That sort of thing doesn't happen everyday over here. Putting Jon Bonet aside for a minute and not debating if he killed her or not, his conduct in Thailand should be enough to throw him in the slammer until he rots. Better still, they should have kept him in Thailand where he wouldn't have time to rot in jail because he'd either get a caning he'll never forget, or face a firing line! What does our government do to make sure Karr doesn't become violent or change his mind about coming back with them to the U.S? Give him a 1st class seat on a plane with all the perks. While others in coach were dining on fruit salads, Karr was up in front feasting on soup, salad, and a turkey dinner with all the trimmings including a few beers and a few glasses of wine...they said this V.I.P. treatment was in hopes that he'll open up about the murder. I don't know about you, but after a big meal like that, I ain't talking! I'm taking a nap! I wonder if Saddam Hussein got the same treatment when he got caught? What else are they going to do with Karr after today's lunch of baloney and cheese in jail and clams up? Tickets to DisneyLand? A weeklong stay at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas? A cruise? Remember folks...these are your tax dollars at work! Another debate is raging on in New York as I write this. What to do with the "stairway to heaven" that is the only thing still left in the giant hole at the site of the former World Trade Center. NY is now split down the middle about tearing it down and taking the concrete to be recycled and that's it, or leave it where it's at forever and make it a item of historic significance that will be fenced off with a plaque in front of it explaining it's story. Parade Magazine did a story on the staircase in yesterday's paper. Some survivors say the only reason they're alive to talk about it, is because that stairway was the final steps to safety. Other survivors are saying this is a silly idea because it only serves as a daily reminder of 9/11 but perhaps should be relocated to another spot. Others are entirely against it saying that this debate is only stalling the progress of construction going on now elsewhere on the site. I think that if they want to save all of it or some of it, let them relocate the stairs to a place where people can go and see it if they want. They should continue with the work at that site. To think that the U.S. is free from another threat of terrorism and the stairs should be kept untouched, is just silly! You want to vote or leave comments? I direct you to