"Gibson was the devil himself!" ...Gibson's traveling companion.says...
The Man Without a Face has quite a few alter egos. That's according to Mel Gibson's now estranged friend, #3,021 who tagged along with the troubled actor last week on the evening of Gibson's DUI arrest. "I've been on quite a few wild rides in my time and they quickly ended slamming into another car or a brick wall. This seemed to go on forever. Unfortunately because I can't drive, I couldn't grab the steering wheel from Mel and ram us into a brick wall. I've had my limbs chopped off, my head snapped off, and I've flown through windshields and head first into a dusty, dirty airbag. Nothing, I mean NOTHING compared to this ride from hell." He continues, "As our speed incresed to over 80 mph in a 40 mph zone, I told him to slow down. He just gave me a smirk, took another sip of his open can of Foster's Lager and said 'Shut the f*** up you damn Jewish dummy. What does that even mean? II have feelings too, but they put me back together and I'm ready to go again. I'm sorry. I'm too broken up to talk anymore. You know the rest of the story anyway."
IT'S CALLED "CAREER SUICIDE" Bad enough you argue with a cop over a DUI, but calling the cop a "Dirty, f******, Jew" is just plain nuts. Maybe due to all the haze in his head, Gibson didn't take the time to consideer that 99.9% of Hollywood is run by Jews. In other words, I guess he forgot where his bread is buttered. Let's not forget about the "Jews" who run Disney. They didn't waste any time in ripping up a contract with Gibson for making a mini-series on the holocaust. In the photo to the left which was taken about a month ago, Gibson looks to be in worse shape than the photo taken at the police station. I don't know what the heck this is...a cross between Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and Peter Gabriel??!! Remember how Mel got started? It was with the little independant Australian flick Mad Max that was made for only a few hundred thousand dollars. What happens next? A return to Lethal Weapon.
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