"Discovery Takes Off" A WORLDWIDE Special Report
God bless 'em. These sons of bitches have some big grapefruits! Sure the flight was "Historic" however, it's always easy going where you're going,,,coming home is a different story. Now, just to make sure things are in check, "Robbie the Robot" has been tucked away on the trip. We last saw him in 1979 0n TV's "Mork and Mindy". Robbie may look like a horse's pahtootie, but styrofoam is his specialty. Everyone complains about the damage styrofoam does to the environment and global warming...OK NASA, get rid of the foam and use cement instead! Ask anyone on Maury Povich and they'll tell you this sponge/styrofoam thing just doesn't cut the mustard. Having said that, lets not lose a third shuttle and a full crew in order to continue this "Space Race". I'm not suggesting the money could be better spent down here...I am saying that NASA needs to have their ducks in a row before putting peoples lives in jeoprady. Who would argue???
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