"A Few Little Pieces" about the State Of The Union speech...
Last night of course was the 5th State Of The Union speech during President Bush's term in The Oval Office. It was quite entertaining. First of all, at the start of the hour, Mr. Bush made it a point to introduce the freshly picked Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. Now, not many of the Democrats in Washington are too happy about the President's choice but they gave him a warm introduction anyway. I say, whoever's next in line to retire or God forbid, drop dead while on the job, the next person that they should nominate is the once famous Judge Lance Ito of the O.J. Simpson trial! Imagine the excitement and confusion on Capital Hill when Ito and Alito share the black robes. Besides, they need a guy like Ito because he likes to mix it up with the Hollywood types, and now that Anna Nicole Smith's trial concerning her late billionaire husband is headed to the Supreme Court, Ito is the shoe that fits! When there's nothing new to say, always refer to 9/11! As soon as things got started, not even 5 minutes into it, it was time to once again talk about Bin Laden and how we're "gonna get him". That was followed by more talk about Iraq and Iran. He pointed his finger at the camera and told the people of Iran that it's nothing personal however, if they continue to pursue nuclear weapons, then shoot...we may as well go after them too. He also said that if Bono doesn't quit meddling in U.S. politics that he's going to send troops to Ireland and shake things up over there too! Our economy is the best it's been in a decade! I think our President is asleep at the switch if he thinks so. Heck, just in the past few weeks we've seen layoffs by Ford, and just the other day it was announced that Kraft Foods is laying off 5,000 people. Let's not put all the blame on George W., afterall, as he said in his speech, his father has two favorite sons that are turning 60 this year: President Bush and George #1's adopted son, Bill Clinton. Never promise the moon when you can't deliver the stars! Here's a few things that Presidential speeches should never mention because they'll never happen in the near future if they happen at all...A national health care plan, erasing the national debt, and providing Social Security benefits for the unforseeable future. Also, Mr. Bush said that we need to put more money and effort into coming up with new types of energy so we don't have to depend on troubled spots of the world for oil. Maybe Stephen Spielberg can give him the bluprints for that DeLorean in Back To The Future 3 that was powered by garbage. Finally...with all the talk about national security, and eavesdropping, how in the world did that woman who camped out in front of Bush's house several months ago make it into the building, and got seated in the front row with signs and banners for several minutes before security realized she was going to start trouble and arrested her? Wouldn't you think a breach in security should have been avoided? Hey folks, THAT'S the way I see things today!
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