AUTHOR: Dave Sypniewski DATE: Thursday, December 08, 2005 ----- BODY: Today was the day that we've been waiting all year for: The seasons first big snow in Chicago and as usual, all the newscasts have pulled out all the stops to scare us from going outside. Afterall, today's storm according to FOX and NBC 5 was the first "Storm of the Century" this year. There's probably at least a half dozen or so yet to travel down the pike, so it's a shame that the local news has to pay so many field reporters to tell us it's snowing. The only people who don't have a clue are those that are currently residing in cell block H at Cook County Jail. So why must a station like channel 7 above, sensationalize a weather event such as this one? So people like me can turn on the news and enjoy the comforts of a warm home while watching all the major expressways become virtual parking lots. At 6:00 tonight while eating my spaghettio's, Channel 7 had four reporters perched high above four different expressways to show me how hard it was snowing, and how congested the roads are. I'll never understand who gives the directions to these people before they get into the van. By positioning each reporter within a half mile of each other, what are the odds that one location has six inches while the other has nothing but a few flurries? I also enjoy it when they pull out measuring sticks and poke it into the snow along side the road. The snow will always be deeper there...that's where the snow plow pushes it! No need to send a busload of people to the Eisenhower or Dan Ryan expressways. At rush hour, they're always at a standstill. A little rain or snow, sure, it's gonna get a little worse. IT'S CHICAGO FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! That's OK. There's only a few months of winter. Thank goodness I have windows to look outside and see for myself. Finally, next time someone you know uses that old cliche', "Did it snow hard enough for you?" do me a favor and slap them silly! -------- Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!: How many reporters must inform us it's snowing?

Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

How many reporters must inform us it's snowing?

Today was the day that we've been waiting all year for: The seasons first big snow in Chicago and as usual, all the newscasts have pulled out all the stops to scare us from going outside. Afterall, today's storm according to FOX and NBC 5 was the first "Storm of the Century" this year. There's probably at least a half dozen or so yet to travel down the pike, so it's a shame that the local news has to pay so many field reporters to tell us it's snowing. The only people who don't have a clue are those that are currently residing in cell block H at Cook County Jail. So why must a station like channel 7 above, sensationalize a weather event such as this one? So people like me can turn on the news and enjoy the comforts of a warm home while watching all the major expressways become virtual parking lots. At 6:00 tonight while eating my spaghettio's, Channel 7 had four reporters perched high above four different expressways to show me how hard it was snowing, and how congested the roads are. I'll never understand who gives the directions to these people before they get into the van. By positioning each reporter within a half mile of each other, what are the odds that one location has six inches while the other has nothing but a few flurries? I also enjoy it when they pull out measuring sticks and poke it into the snow along side the road. The snow will always be deeper there...that's where the snow plow pushes it! No need to send a busload of people to the Eisenhower or Dan Ryan expressways. At rush hour, they're always at a standstill. A little rain or snow, sure, it's gonna get a little worse. IT'S CHICAGO FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! That's OK. There's only a few months of winter. Thank goodness I have windows to look outside and see for myself. Finally, next time someone you know uses that old cliche', "Did it snow hard enough for you?" do me a favor and slap them silly!


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