AUTHOR: Dave Sypniewski DATE: Saturday, June 03, 2006 ----- BODY: ***ANOTHER SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE REPORT*** Be careful Mr. Geraldo Rivera, YOU may be the one going to a federal prison for saying bad things about our President on your silly show! He's at it again. The man with the big mustache and the mouth that goes with it. Geraldo has always been one person that enjoys playing devil's advocate. This time, his rants about George W. have pushed him to the other side where apparently he and the majority of America all agree that our President is doing a bad job. Matter of fact, only 35% of Americans feel he's doing a good job. The worst numbers that have ever come up for a President since 1941 they say. Even after Watergate, Richard Nixon's approval rating was higher than our current President's is now...which brings me to the heart of the matter. Geraldo may be proud to call himself an American. He may even actually take a heartfelt interest in people, places, and things that make "News", but on Geraldo at Large Friday night he made it quite clear to me why he's been employed by almost every letter in the alphabet. CBS, NBC, ABC, name it. Geraldo says that he's disappointed in our President. What worried him the most he says, was the fact that there may be a war in Iraq, but there's a lot more battles here that need to be dealt with. He's still hung up on Hurricane Katrina and that since he was in the middle of it all, he can't compare it to Iraq but it had to be really close. He's angry at the President for funneling more money into Homeland Security than the Hurricane Relief Fund. "It's a shame what he's done to those people near the Atlantic" he says, "Taking all that money away from people that need it now and using it for terrorism. Nothing has happened on our soil since 9/11 when 3,000 people died...what are the odds of terrorists planning on attack on Palm Beach, Florida or Charlotte, North Carolina?" I say, the difference here is that the people on 9/11 didn't know what was coming. The people that died or were left homeless from Katrina had time to get their stuff and leave. Matter of fact, they were told to leave and they didn't want to go. Besides, they made out like bandits after cashing in on all the government freebies that were given to them. If I lived out that way, I'd look for a big group of Indians to come and do a rain dance for me. By the time it's said and done I'd be better off than I started! Now don't get me wrong, Geraldo isn't letting Iraq get by our President either. He's careful to point out that he's got a "passion for those brave men and women over there" however, he admits now that he "put too much confidence in our President to get the job done quickly." He's been so concerned over the well-being of everyone there that he's matched the number of times our President has visited Iraq and the troops as shown by the photos. Notice how the photo of Mr. Bush waving to the troops gets the crowd going? The photo with Geraldo has the troops with no expressions on their face. Kind of like a bunch of deer caught in the headlights. Geraldo didn't use any of his frequent flier miles either to go there. Fox sent him there. It was then that Geraldo closed the segment with a snippet from an ex-marine who said that he was in Iraq too long and it's too much for the state of mind having to decide night and day who to kill and who not to kill...the perfect lead in to what Geraldo called a case of "foot in mouth" when a keynote speaker at a graduation ceremony said something about shooting the President between the eyes and was later forced to make several public apologies. "The way it's supposed to be" he says, "is that when you make a comment like that, they lock you up in a federal prison for a long time." I guess he's saying that Bush's priorities are all screwed up. President Bush is actually more concerned over wire-tapping and Homeland Security than some rain clouds and a goofy blurb made by someone giving a speech?! My gosh, what is this world coming too? President Bush needs to wake up and smell the roses and read Geraldo's transcripts...Those are filled with "verbal terrorism" and personal attacks and are the ticket into Guantanemo Bay, Cuba. -------- Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!: A "slip of the tongue" while talking about a "slip of the tongue"

Squealing Pig WORLDWIDE!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

A "slip of the tongue" while talking about a "slip of the tongue"

***ANOTHER SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE REPORT*** Be careful Mr. Geraldo Rivera, YOU may be the one going to a federal prison for saying bad things about our President on your silly show! He's at it again. The man with the big mustache and the mouth that goes with it. Geraldo has always been one person that enjoys playing devil's advocate. This time, his rants about George W. have pushed him to the other side where apparently he and the majority of America all agree that our President is doing a bad job. Matter of fact, only 35% of Americans feel he's doing a good job. The worst numbers that have ever come up for a President since 1941 they say. Even after Watergate, Richard Nixon's approval rating was higher than our current President's is now...which brings me to the heart of the matter. Geraldo may be proud to call himself an American. He may even actually take a heartfelt interest in people, places, and things that make "News", but on Geraldo at Large Friday night he made it quite clear to me why he's been employed by almost every letter in the alphabet. CBS, NBC, ABC, name it. Geraldo says that he's disappointed in our President. What worried him the most he says, was the fact that there may be a war in Iraq, but there's a lot more battles here that need to be dealt with. He's still hung up on Hurricane Katrina and that since he was in the middle of it all, he can't compare it to Iraq but it had to be really close. He's angry at the President for funneling more money into Homeland Security than the Hurricane Relief Fund. "It's a shame what he's done to those people near the Atlantic" he says, "Taking all that money away from people that need it now and using it for terrorism. Nothing has happened on our soil since 9/11 when 3,000 people died...what are the odds of terrorists planning on attack on Palm Beach, Florida or Charlotte, North Carolina?" I say, the difference here is that the people on 9/11 didn't know what was coming. The people that died or were left homeless from Katrina had time to get their stuff and leave. Matter of fact, they were told to leave and they didn't want to go. Besides, they made out like bandits after cashing in on all the government freebies that were given to them. If I lived out that way, I'd look for a big group of Indians to come and do a rain dance for me. By the time it's said and done I'd be better off than I started! Now don't get me wrong, Geraldo isn't letting Iraq get by our President either. He's careful to point out that he's got a "passion for those brave men and women over there" however, he admits now that he "put too much confidence in our President to get the job done quickly." He's been so concerned over the well-being of everyone there that he's matched the number of times our President has visited Iraq and the troops as shown by the photos. Notice how the photo of Mr. Bush waving to the troops gets the crowd going? The photo with Geraldo has the troops with no expressions on their face. Kind of like a bunch of deer caught in the headlights. Geraldo didn't use any of his frequent flier miles either to go there. Fox sent him there. It was then that Geraldo closed the segment with a snippet from an ex-marine who said that he was in Iraq too long and it's too much for the state of mind having to decide night and day who to kill and who not to kill...the perfect lead in to what Geraldo called a case of "foot in mouth" when a keynote speaker at a graduation ceremony said something about shooting the President between the eyes and was later forced to make several public apologies. "The way it's supposed to be" he says, "is that when you make a comment like that, they lock you up in a federal prison for a long time." I guess he's saying that Bush's priorities are all screwed up. President Bush is actually more concerned over wire-tapping and Homeland Security than some rain clouds and a goofy blurb made by someone giving a speech?! My gosh, what is this world coming too? President Bush needs to wake up and smell the roses and read Geraldo's transcripts...Those are filled with "verbal terrorism" and personal attacks and are the ticket into Guantanemo Bay, Cuba.


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