Jack Black loves his monkey AND Chapelle's Show minus Chapelle
While the Chicago Bears take a licking from the Steelers, let's blog! Hey, what do these three have in common? A monkey, a guy chasing a monkey, and a mo...comedian? Absolutely nothing (gotchya)! In a few days time, King Kong returns for yet another remake. Geez, it's the same damn thing as the other five that were made in the past with the last one premiering in 1975. The only difference is, in 1975 they didn't have all these special effects like they do now and they didn't have Jack Black as the big star. In '75, Black was still suckling on his Mama's teet! Let me save you the $30 or whatever it is now to get into a movie, and tell you that the same Director that made the Lord of The Rings trilogy also made this movie. I've gotta tell you, LOR is one trilogy I've never seen. This Director likes to trick people into coming into the theater, and then just when you look at your watch to see if 90 minutes has passed, he keeps you there another two hours! Such is the case with Kong. From what I understand, this movie was over four hours long but got cut back to a little under three. You can bet your behind that the extra hour and then some will be on the DVD. They bring in Jack Black as the heavy hitter in the film...I'm perplexed. His breakthru hit was School of Rock. Before that he made movies that were well, poop. Just like Bill Murray, Robin Williams, and Tom Hanks, Black is going to make a transition from a pain in the ass burping, drinking, farting, swearing slob, to a very serious role. What about "Theloneous Monk" his musical side project? He better hope the movie takes off or we'll be seeing Orange County II, III, and IV, as well as School of Rock II, II, and IV. As I've read, if you MUST see the movie, look for it playing at an IMAX theater for the full effect. ...If Dave Chapelle has worked out his problems through therapy, detox, or meditation, he'd better keep his Doctor on "speed dial" on his cell phone. While it's still not clear where Dave and his self titled show vanished to earlier this year, Comedy Central knows that he was under contract for another season which he never did. Now, things are going to get ugly as Comedy Central is putting together a 3rd season of The Chapelle Show without Dave Chapelle. Since Dave took off earlier this year without notice and still hasn't gotten in touch with the network, Season 3 is going to be a collection of sketches that never made it on the show, outtakes, bloopers, and what they are describing as the "beginning of the Dave's downward spiral". When they air it, Chapelle will be made a fool. They WILL air all of them. Seems as though when Dave took a walk and left everything behind, he also left all of his nutty characters and material behind. It is now all property of HBO Productions and Dave can't do anything about it. If there was ever a slim chance of him coming back, it's now over. I'm sure lawyers are waiting with Comedy Central on their "speed dial". THAT'S the way I see it today. Go Bears! ...I don't think it will happen today.
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