All systems are still "GO" for now anyway!
Pretty neat eh? I've seen several news stories over the last couple of days dealing with the "suicide mission" er...I mean, launch of the space shuttle on Wednesday. There was this official from NASA on TV talking about how while the two accidents were a tragedy, the reality is that things like this have happened before with cars and trains and planes and no matter what, something is always going to go wrong. I thought about it and agreed with the guy. He's right. But I don't know if I'd want to hear him say that if I was going up there and putting my life in HIS hands! At least the people who go on the missions realize that if something goes wrong, that's it. Game over. The reporter asked one of the crew about ejection seats. "Nope." he replied "If something goes awry, it wouldn't matter if you had a parachute because by the time you found the cord, you'd be vaporized anyway." I think NASA isn't taking this too serious enough. Didn't they used to have standards that were set? I mean, a breeze more than 5 mph, a cloud in an otherwise blue sky, and a temp. outside that was either too hot or too cold were all things that stopped a launch. Considering that the shuttle has been sitting on the launch pad through Florida's hurricane this weekend with wind driven rain over135 mph, I would say that's good enough reason for me to stop a launch. I guess there was no possibility of anything getting damaged or blown off??? I guess not. Everything's a go for Wednesday. Oh Brother! Now these astronauts are already heroes with me, and God bless 'em all!
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